Top 15 benefits of a STEM education

By Dominique Waldren.  Source:

STEM scares most young people today because it gets mistaken for being too challenging and most importantly, boring. And when people look at the older gentlemen across the room who chose the STEM path wearing a frown, everything negative about STEM becomes true and they say, “That cannot be me.”


It doesn’t have to be that way for you, because there are benefits of a STEM education of which you might not be aware.

  • It helps you stay current – In a technology based society, technology is forever changing. It’s also used in almost every aspect of our lives. As work places change with updated software, and office equipment and machinery becomes more touch screen STEM knowledge is vital. Keeping up with technology, not the Kardashians, is highly important.
  • It allows you to be innovative – Someone created an app that allows you to take a picture of a piece of clothing and generates similar looks throughout the web. Just think of the latest device you have in your hand or at the top of your wish list. STEM helps to transform new ideas into the best inventions.
  • You can make a difference – Building that shelter for dozens, finding that cure, inventing the best way for people to communicate, or helping a father let go of finical burdens makes a huge difference and with a STEM education you can make that happen.
  • It helps you exceed with the Arts – According to the NYTimes, James Michael Leake, director of engineering graphics at the University of Illinois said that learning to make even rudimentary drawings is critical to development as an engineer. Design can help students understand how to effectively use the space within the structure.
  • Cosmetics industry is huge – Without new innovative products hitting the shelves constantly, brands such as Covergirl and L’Oreal will not stay current and may lose business. This door opens a lot of new opportunities for scientists to break into this industry.
  • Promotes equality education – Women today are taking over some of the top paying jobs. STEM education helps to promote diversity and can contribute to gender equality in the workplace.
  • Prepares for college curriculum– Kids with STEM educations scored higher on the SATs.
  • Can land you a better job within the fashion industry– Technology and fashion are merging day to day. You have Google watches and Apple iwatches and with a bit of inspiration you can sell your own designs over the web with blogs. You could even create a fashion app that makes online shopping a click of a button.
  • Confidence Booster – When you meet challenges you achieve tremendous boosts of confidence.
  • Gives you a higher income – STEM related jobs can be financially rewarding. It is evident with a look at starting salaries in the STEM careers
    • Biomedical engineers, $77,400
    • Financial examiners, $70,930
    • Medical scientists, except epidemiologists, $72,590
  • Better chances at landing a job – STEM occupations are growing at 17% more than any other field, and the unemployment rate for recent graduates are less than those with liberal degrees.
  • Great for writers – Finding a job as a freelancer writer is more difficult than finding a job as a nurse assistant, unless you’re applying for medical and technical writing jobs (which are in high demand).
  • Growing field – 1 in 20 jobs are said to be STEM related by the year 2018. For example, engineering jobs will increase 11%. Besides the healthcare industry, STEM fields are expanding more quickly than any other. And according to, the National science foundation estimates that 80% of jobs available for the years to come will require math and science skills.
  • Shapes a better world – Every election is based on choosing leaders who know how to estimate statistics and how to base decisions on sound economics. And many of the local and state polls depend on both economic and scientific knowledge.
  • Part of our daily lives – Science is the make-up we wear and the fuel that helps with transportation. For us, technology today are the smartphones, smartboards, and tablets. The engineering we benefit from is the building of homes and shelters. We all use mathematics especially when pay-day comes.

If you want to get involved with receiving a STEM education make sure you are doing it for you. Remember, if you love the arts having a degree in STEM actually helps to get you better and more jobs within that art field.